The Suspense

I’ve been plugging away on Blue Bamboo.  She now looks like this:

blue bamboo progress 9-22-06 

I realize that this is virtually the same picture I offered on Wednesday.  Not much to be done about that; I have 21 inches to knit before starting the armhole shaping.  I’m 1/3 of the way there.  I’m starting to have my habitual and predictable fear that I will run out of yarn halfway through the second sleeve.  That’s why I knit–the suspense.

blue bamboo progress 9-22-06 

I started listening to The Echo by Minette Walters last night while knitting.  She is one of my favorite mystery writers–her books offer a little more psychological drama than your garden-variety mystery.  Check out The Scold’s Bridle if you have a chance.  Come to think of it, I need to reread that one myself.

A couple of Friday-after-a-long-week photos for you all.

Hugo, apparently seeing one of the cats doing something highly suspicious in the corner.  (Actually, when aren’t the cats doing something highly suspicious?)

Hugo 9-22-06 

And Rob, looking both goofy and handsome.  (It takes a truly gifted man to do that, I’ll tell you.)  That’s another one of his artworks hanging on the wall above the refrigerator.

Rob 9-22-06

Have a lovely and productive knitting/fiber weekend.

2 Responses to “The Suspense”

  1. Ellen Says:

    Thanks Sarah! The Blue Bamboo looks great!

    I’ve got my fingers crossed that your yarn supply will NOT run out…

  2. lorinda Says:

    Loving Blue Bamboo, Sarah. Doesn’t it make you want to knit quickly so you won’t run out of yarn? As though speed increases mass or quantity. One of the permutable laws of knitting physics.