True confessions

Ellen called me on Sunday night and gave me her account of the Boston Knit-Out, including the tale and description of the so-ugly-it’s-cool furry fuchsia yarn she managed to acquire.

“Oh my, that does sound dreadful!” I laughed.

Imagine my shame and horror, then, when I actually read her post yesterday and realized that that self-same so-ugly-it’s-cool furry fuchsia yarn (Katia Danubio Style) is a yarn that resides in my stash.  Not only does it reside there, but it resides there in several different colors.  Not only does it reside there in several different colors, I made a co-worker a scarf out of that yarn last Christmas.

Katia Danubio Style

I realize that anything I say in my own defense at this point will no doubt seem both slightly pathetic and self-serving, but I’m going to say it anyway.  I kind of like this yarn.  It’s a mostly wool fur yarn, which is rare, and I purchased it with the intention of using it in some felting projects.  (Which, no, I have not done yet.  There are many knitterly things I have not done yet.  That’s why I need to quit my day job and become a free-lance knitwear designer.  Oh sorry, that just kind of popped out.)

Aaanyhoo, Danubio Style knits up pretty nicely.  I was pretty pleased with the scarf.  It’s waaaay better than, say, the Fun Fur you get at Michael’s.  So there.

In other news, I am still working on those 21 inches of Blue Bamboo that come before the armhole shaping.  I’m into my third skein of yarn.  Will I have enough?  Only time will tell.  Stay tuned for further developments…

blue bamboo 9-26-06

3 Responses to “True confessions”

  1. Ellen Says:

    But I did say it was so bad it was good, didn’t I?

    You obviously feel the same way!

    On the other hand, you have it in several different colors. This may be, in fact, indefensible, she said…while checking around to see if there is any more of that green available anywhere on the internet…

  2. lorinda Says:

    Ah, the truth is that you are genetically predisposed to buying the same yarn. My mom’s sisters used to send me the EXACT same birthday cards even though they lived in different states. Just accept your fate. And felting with wool fun fur? Cool. Would make a wicked pair of clogs.

    Loving Blue Bamboo. Knit fast so you’ll have enough yarn.

  3. Sarah Says:

    Yes, there is more green available. Check Where do you think I got it!?
    I do have that funny compulsion to knit faster when I think I’m going to run out of yarn. Makes no sense, but there it is.