Middlesex Fells

I subsisted for most of last week mainly on this:
Note the marketing emphasis on “Original Flavor.” Right-io. Let me just say this, dear knitters: if you find yourself drinking CVS Nyquil-Knockoff Cold Medication for the flavor, seek professional help.

The only positive result of my lingering respiratory ailment is that I am now within striking distance of finishing Icarus. 15 rows remain. The excitement Chez Mad Dog is palpable!
Even if this week’s photos look remarkably like…last week’s!

Icarian close-up, with extra texture. He’s a very attractive boy, don’t you think?

Want to place a bet on how long it will take me to finish him from here? My goal is to have him knitted, blocked, and ready to take to my conference in Vancouver, B.C. by late next week. Can I do it?

Here’s my thinking: Icarus has already journeyed with me all over the United States, and I think he’s ready to do some international travel. He keeps hinting that he’d like to go to Monte Carlo, but I’m not falling for that. Knowing him, he may get up to shenanigans even in Canada, but I’m willing to take the risk.

Shelley, meanwhile, has run out of patience with my cold.

Around noon yesterday, she moved from sitting at my feet to sitting right by my chair. She then put one paw on my leg, and gave me a meaningful look that unmistakably said, “You know and I know that you’ve been shortening my walks all week because of so-called illness. Do the right thing. Make it up to me. Take me to the forest. Show me the habitat of the wee beasties my people call ‘prey’.”

Off we went to our local Primeval Forest,

the Middlesex Fells.
The dappled path into the woods. Wasn’t there something about this in the Brothers Grimm? Hmm.

When one of my California friends learned that I was living near something called the “Middlesex Fells,” he said, “Dude, like, are you living in a Jane Austen novel now?”

Dude! I so am!

In spite of being a canine and having a rather shallow brain pan, Shelley’s suggestion that we go to the forest could not have been more apt. I believe this may have been the best weekend in the area for leaves.

I realize that pictures of autumn leaves are a photographic cliché, but I cannot help myself. (I also like to share my autumn walks with all of you, but especially Monica, who does not get this kind of fall color where she lives.)

Besides. It is, as Jane Austen would say, a truth universally acknowledged that a knitter in possession of a good digital camera must be in want of an autumn forest.

Primeval forest and sky:

Primeval forest with light on leaves:

Primeval forest log and leaves:

New England, magnificent:

More Icarus progress when I return on Wednesday…

6 Responses to “Middlesex Fells”

  1. MonicaPDX Says:

    Ohhhhhhhhh…Ellen… Thank you! ::swooning in bliss:: Ok, yes, perchance somewhat excessive, but really; these are the greatest fall pictures. Especially the primeval forest and sky shot, and that last glorious burst of gold and burnt orange and yellow and– Whew.. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! (Thank Shelley for me, too. I hoped you were wrapped up nice and warm and came back feeling better.)

    Icarus is equally beautiful. Am I overly leafy-brained, or is he just a few shades brighter than the leaves with the primeval forest log? Hey, I think he should go to Canada. Finished or not. Especially to Vancouver, a lovely city, where he’ll be appreciated. Oh – and if you have time, make sure to visit Granville Island. Presuming, that is, that you’ve never been to Vancouver BC before and don’t know about it already. Neat shops there, plus the wonderful food at the Farmer’s Market, and buskers in the little square. Who cares if it’s a tourist spot? It’s a great tourist spot for shopping! There’s a weaving shop with yarn, a natural dyestuffs store, and a huge arts supply store due to there being an artist’s school located there, and, and… Ok, I’ve gotta go look up the site and send you a link. You’ll need the map. 😉 Thanks for the lovely autumn shots!

  2. debsnm Says:

    Beautiful leaves! I must tell you, I spent yesterday OD’ing on the Dog Whisperer – much to my beloved dogs’ dismay. I looked at the baby (Fritzi, Lhasa Apso, and about the most stubborn animal I’ve ever met) and told her in no uncertain terms that I wasn’t taking any more of her crap! As she wandered away, I swear I heard her muttering about TV’s, and “phony” celebrities, and something about “she’ll get over it” – all in all, a great weekend! LOL

  3. lorinda Says:

    I thought one took NyQuil (generic or otherwise) solely for the 100 proof.

    Thanks for the walk through my beloved New England. And reminders of my beloved Jane.

    Icarus? Done by the weekend, blocked and out the door for the Great White North (although Vancouver is hardly that) by next Thursday.

  4. Alex Says:

    You know, if the generic NyQuil advertised itself as “Jägermeister-flavored” it would sound a lot sexier (and still be completely accurate).

  5. Diane Says:

    One of our Gypsy’s favorite things is to go for a walk in the park in the fall. She just loves to go nosing through the leaves. Maybe it will stop raining/snowing long enough tomorrow to go out for a bit.

    Last cold I had I was in Nova Scotia on vacation. The bartender asked what I wanted and I said something to kill the cold. He brought me rum and coke (which I hadn’t had in ages) and it worked (especially after the second one)!

  6. Karen Says:

    Hi! Icarus looks great, and so do the Middlesex Fells. Who knew we were neighbors?