Don’t let that sunshine fool ya

Time out of mind is a growing boy (dog is included for scale):
Hey, this smells vaguely like…sheep…

A more sober photograph:
Still life with Time, wine glasses, and the golden egg. The allegorical significance of all this is completely obscure.

I’m a mere 3.5 inches away from separating it into front and back for the sleeves. Which is a damn good thing too because in spite of the bright sunshine, the temperature here has suddenly become miserably cold. I think we’re all especially miserable because the remarkable and unseasonable run of warm weather we’ve had up to now makes it seem even more cold. And unjust. And possibly life-threatening!

I hereby take back every ill-considered thing I said before about the 60-70 degree weather in January being weird, or possibly an ominous bellwether of global warming, or unsettling and wrong, or “too much like April,” or a sure sign of the apocalypse.

That weather wasn’t wrong. I was wrong. And now I’m paying for my mistake, one frozen toe at a time.

Anyway, I need this sweater. To complement the wool hat that I am now wearing both indoors and out.

I have taken all of your suggestions about the neckline under advisement, by the way, but I reserve the right to make an executive decision when the time comes. You’ve given me plenty to think about, though, and I appreciate it. I will endeavor to choose a style that does not make my head look like a stump.

Huh. Now that you mention it, I do see the resemblance.

I don’t know what I would do without Shelley. She keeps me young.

3 Responses to “Don’t let that sunshine fool ya”

  1. MonicaPDX Says:

    She’s such a patient puppy, too, posing with sweaters and all! Just love that last pic. Time is looking mighty, mighty fine. Obscure still life? Nahh. Your brain (the egg) is gold (with design ideas) and you’ll come up with the perfect solution to the neckline, then celebrate with wine. What could be simpler? And boy, you’re zipping along fast with it! Yes, ok, you have incentive, but gadzooks, that’s speedy knitting, there. ::sighs in envy::

    Sympathies on the cold. We, fergawdssakes, have *snow*. Again. In Portland. Which did not melt after a few hours, but stuck around a second day. The End Must Be Nigh. (We’re *used* to ice storms, even though we hate ’em. At least we didn’t get one of those. Yet.)

  2. Kimberly Says:

    Just de-lurking to say that I think Shelley has the best facial expressions. She reminds me of my Golden girl, Tasha, and it makes me smile. As for the sweater, keep on knitting that pretty thing. As long as YOU are happy with the neckline, then all is good. (But I do agree that the turtleneck would be a bit extreme…)

  3. lorinda Says:

    Time will soon be on your side (and your front and back, etc.) keeping you warm. For now, you will have to settle for long underwear (which our family believes makes one invincible) and all the fabby forerunners to Time to keep you warm.

    We have been spoiled by the warm, haven’t we? It’s chilly here in Chicago too, but I don’t mind because I can finally wear all the warm sweaters I have that have been way too hot to wear up to this point.