Please sir, I want some too

Congratulations to Ellen and Alex on their great good fortune in getting such a swell little house to live in and to Alex for his acquisition of that fellowship!  I tell you, it couldn’t have happened to two nicer people.

Having said that, though, I confess to just a wee bit of jealousy.  I can’t help feeling that it’s about time a little bit of good luck fell to me, as well.  I kid you not, folks, it’s been a tough, tough winter.

Harvey and I looked at the other little house yesterday.  It’s a perfectly nice place, but somewhat bland.  I have a hard time picturing myself living there–carpeting everywhere but the kitchen and bath, square little rooms, square little house.  I didn’t find it very inspiring. 

Then we went back to the first little house this afternoon with the realtor and a contractor to get a rough idea of what it would cost to gut and remodel the kitchen and bath.  Um…quite a bit.  I left with a good deal of sticker shock.

Can you tell I’m having a pity party this evening?  Complete with domestic beer and ice cream.

It’s a good thing that I started yet another new knitting project.  That can always make one feel better–or at least as though, as bad as it may get, something may yet be accomplished.

baby blanket 

I decided, although I don’t know anyone who is currently pregnant with a baby girl nor anyone who has just had a baby girl, to start a very girly baby blanket. 

With mitered squares!

baby blanket 

Now, I’m not one of those people who thinks that mitered squares are attractive just anywhere.  Like, say, on a skirt.  But I do hold with a mitered square baby blanket.  It seems to go more quickly than your average baby blanket.  Each little square gives one such a sense of satisfaction!   (Particularly helpful at the pity party!)  Plus, it’s so easy to figure up just how much time making this baby blanket will take.  If every square takes about 45 minutes, and I’m going to need 48 squares, I will invest….

Thirty-six hours of my life in mitered squares. 

Plus whatever kind of cute little edging I devise at the end.

So, let’s say a nice round 40 hours.  If you paid yourself $10 an hour for your work, that would be a $400 baby blanket.  Even if you paid yourself only $5 an hour, it would be a $200 baby blanket.

Sheesh.  Give me another beer and some more ice cream, somebody.

Party on!

5 Responses to “Please sir, I want some too”

  1. Gypsy Says:

    Mixing beer and ice cream is not a good idea. One or the other. I favor Ben & Jerry’s Pistachio.

  2. Kate Says:

    WHEW, Sarah, I am so glad I am not the only one! I want someone to give me a house and a fancy fellowship too! And a gardener! (And an oompaloompa!)

    … I hope you get at least some if not all of the above. And in the meantime, I heavily favor beer and ice cream as substitutes. (Not together?? All the fine dining establish I know wouldn’t even consider serving the two separately! Grin.)

  3. Kristy Says:

    Sorry it’s been so rough house hunting. I had similar problems a few years ago– I got angry watching all those people buying (and fixing up) houses so easily on HGTV. It will work out, eventually. I’m sending you good thoughts 🙂

  4. Ellen Says:

    Sarah, we all deserve something good. (Or none of us do, I don’t know which…) I hope you find a great, affordable house for you and the Harvelator.

    If it makes it any more palatable, remember that we are just renting, and that home-ownership is, for us, on the very distant horizon, if the notion exists at all.

  5. Knit Sisters » Blog Archive » Mother’s Day Says:

    […] (See, I was working on the pink baby blanket at the time.  Admittedly, this is a hard project to justify, seeing as how I am neither pregnant myself nor do I know anyone with a new baby girl who is near and dear enough to me to merit a baby blanket with an intrinsic value of $400.  In fact, the only person who is near and dear enough to me to receive such a baby gift actually recently gave birth to a baby boy.  But I digress.) […]