Moving in and moving on

Over the past week I have been moving in to my new house.  It’s hard to describe how I feel about this; I wasn’t really prepared for how thrilling it would be to have my own space:  mine, all mine.

I can do things like put beautiful yarn in baskets and set them around the house, just because I like to see them there.

decorating with yarn 

Put my spinning wheel in the middle of the room if I want to.  Or both wheels, for that matter.

spinning wheel  

Have Hugo back with me.

Hugo 8-14-07 

Put books and bookshelves wherever I wish.

bookshelf in corner 

Decide by myself where every little thing goes in the kitchen.

kitchen 8-14-07

Fill up all the storage space with fiber.

storage in bedroom 

Buy my own tools.


And use them to put up towel bars just where I would like them.

towel bar 

As well as an entire closet system.  (I put this up by myself this morning–very empowering.)

closet system

If things don’t get done (which is also happening, let’s face it), I have no one to blame but myself.  But as things do get done, it’s incredibly satisfying.

Tomorrow:  mow the lawn and get all my clothes hung up on the new closet system.

Moving on.  Focus.  Set goals.

9 Responses to “Moving in and moving on”

  1. Lisa Says:

    Sorry, but this is hard to read when it’s all black type on fuchsia! Please help … although I gather you’re in the midst of moving, which might account for the colors. Congratulations, good luck, and thanks —

  2. lorinda Says:

    That’s why I always liked the verse (not so much the chorus part) of that old song “Bluer than Blue”–After you go
    I’ll have a lot more room in my closet
    After you go
    I’ll stay out all night long if I feel like it
    And when you’re gone
    I can run through the house screaming
    And no one will ever hear me . . .
    A little anthem to getting to do the things that got lost along the way . . .

    Congrats on your new place and best wishes for a peaceful and joyous life in your new home.

  3. bobbie Says:

    I’m glad you’re settling in! I know how hard and exciting and scary and rewarding it is to move out and be on your own; it’s even more of all of those when you are responsible for a child. The best advice I can give you is this: Do the best you can. Sure, later on, you’ll probably learn about a million things you could have done better or different. But if you do the best you can every day, then you (and your son) will be ok in the end. And if not, then call me because I know some good therapists! 😉

  4. KSee Says:

    Oh, how I can relate. I’ve had my own place for 16 years now and it is the greatest feeling in the world to build your own nest. It’s less stressful when you only have yourself to blame. Two husbands, kids on their own I can now do what I want when I want. So very glad you have Hugo back at home.

  5. Ellen Says:

    Nice crib! May the settling in continue…

  6. debsnm Says:

    I’ve always tried to live by one rule: No regrets. What ever you do, do to the best of your abilities, and make the best, most informed decision you can with the information available at the time. Some days, its the only thing that gets us through.

  7. cindy Says:

    Wow. Cool cool house. As you’re filling it with your treasures, remember Tammy Wynette’s famous line, “You’re GOOOOD girl’s gonna go bad… ” (drum beat pause), “and stuff fantastic fabulous fiber into every drawer you might would’ve had…”
    Or something like that.

  8. Connie Egan Says:

    We’ve had a number of people find us through your blog posting for which we are very grateful. However, even though we both read the entry, it escaped our attention that our address is wrong. I blame it on knitters brain. Would appreciate if the address could be changed to 1305 First St, Napa not 305 First.
    Many thanks,
    Connie & Roxana

  9. Jennifer Says:

    The house looks really nice. I’m the owner of a 2 BR wood-floored cottage, and I am partial to them. Will you be able to show us a picture of the outside at some point?

    Glad you have your doggie back.