
Rob left early this morning to spend a long weekend in St. Louis with his brother, taking the digital camera with him, so I haven’t had a chance to assemble the organized and erudite post that I usually do.  So, for my Friday offering this week, I offer the following assortment of tidbits. 

I’m making somewhat slow progress spinning on the handpainted rovings.  (And if you’re thinking that this looks remarkably like a photo I may have posted before…well, you’re right.)

progress on the handpainted roving 

I’m getting a little bored with this, truth to tell, and other fibers are calling my name.  Maybe this llama fiber next:

llama fiber

Or this wool:

butterscotch wool

Still plugging away on that brown cotton swatch.

brown cotton swatch 

Hey, Ellen, remember that handspun superwash sock yarn I sent you a while back?

superwash handspun sock yarn

handspun superwash sock yarn

Got any plans for it?  I’m expecting something really, really great.  No pressure.

Harvey and I, having passed our first tae kwon do test last Saturday, are going to the belt awarding ceremony tonight, and we have to take “covered dish,” so that we can have “pah-tay,” as Master Yu so fetchingly puts it.  I’m thinking chocolate cake.  But, I need to get moving on that, whatever food item it turns out to be. 

And what am I going to do with myself this weekend without my dearly beloved husband?  Yes, you guessed it:  PAH-TAY!


2 Responses to “Tidbits”

  1. Ellen Says:

    Congratulations on getting your first belt in tae kwon do. That’s excellent!

    Dude! Pah-tay!

    Now about that sock yarn… It’s been on my mind, but I must design a sock that is worthy of the yarn. Not so easy, eh?

  2. lorinda Says:

    Why don’t you do something Fibonacci-esque, Ellen?

    And Sarah, thanks a bunch for the designing advice. I love this knitting community because there isn’t a sense of hoarding and territorialism. It’s more the philosophy of “If you succeed, then so do I.” Beautiful thing. And congrats on tae kwon do. Pah-tay!