Yarn ho!

I did indeed purchase some yarn while in St. Louis.  I know, shocking, isn’t it?  Of course, with Carol, aka “The Great Enabler,” along, I would challenge any of you to not purchase yarn.  On the other hand, it doesn’t take much arm twisting to get me to buy yarn.  On the other, other hand, she did buy more than me….

Well, enough of that!  On to the new yarn!

yarn purchases 10-27-06

I fell in love with this little ball of Crystal Palace laceweight mohair in a gorgeous cranberry red and light green colorway.  It’s sort of a cross between apple-y colors and Christmas-y colors, without being quite either one.  Unfortunately, they only had one ball left.  Did I let that stop me?  No, siree.  I got two skeins of Malabrigo to go with it; I have a vision of some sort of slip stitch pattern scarf using these two yarns.  My motto?  Never let differences of yarn weight stand in the way of your vision.

Carol was selling off some of her stash, so naturally I had to have a look.  I ended up buying a half-finished crocheted sweater from her, made mainly of Koigu KPPPM.  Knowing how I feel about crochet, it will surprise none of you that it never crossed my mind to actually complete the sweater.  Instead, I promptly ripped that puppy out and re-balled all the Koigu.  (Sorry, Carol.)

Koigu from Carol

It’s in two gorgeous colorways, shown here.  Never say that Carol doesn’t have good taste!  I don’t really have any plans at this point for the Koigu, other than fondling it from time to time.  I’m not really a big fan of the modular designs marketed for Koigu, and in fact I think the most recent Koigu coat in the Holiday VK is quite hideous.  I realize that this is heresy to many people, but there it is. 

Perhaps some Koigu socks would be in order.

Ah, new yarn.  It makes one’s heart beat faster.

7 Responses to “Yarn ho!”

  1. Deb Says:

    Gorgeous yarn! I can’t wait to see the scarf design. Malabrigo’s addictive stuff….sooo much fun to knit with.

  2. Tammany Says:

    Those yarns are beautiful! And I haven’t met anyone yet who would be offended by your comment about that coat. Unless you’re performing the role of Joseph in “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” I think you should just turn the page and move on. 😉

  3. lorinda Says:

    I’m with you on the hideosity of Koigu designs. They’ve shown up on You Knit What? more than once. Love what you bought! I think you were pretty restrained.

  4. Ellen Says:

    Oh, man, the Koigu designs are so, so, so bad that we recently put all of their patterns into the 50% off bin at the store. Ugh.

    Love your new yarns, though!

  5. Kimberly Says:

    Great stash enhancement finds! Which store did you visit while in STL? When I was there in June, I discovered a knitting group that met at a Quizno’s and the shop 7 miles from the airport.

  6. Amy Says:

    Mmmmm, Malabrigo is the best. And no, turning the page in VK and seeing that coat made me show off its awful glory to anyone around who would listen. I was very mean to that design. Perhaps the only person who would be offended would be the designer…

  7. debsnm Says:

    I happen to agree with you about that coat – it’s possibly the most hideous thing I’ve ever seen, and I’ve been known to knit with as many different colors as I can get my hands on.