Little pink sock

I finally finished the pink Cherry Tree Hill socks!  Woohoo!  And just in time to wear and enjoy them during what is (we hope) the final cold snap of the year.

Cherry Tree Hill socks 

Another view, wherein you can see the eye of partridge (or eye of newt, as my dear sister says) heel flap.

Cherry Tree Hill socks 


Yarn:  Cherry Tree Hill 100% merino superwash sock yarn, purchased as a mill end on Ebay.

Pattern:  Twin Rib sock from Sensational Knitted Socks by Charlene Schurch

Gauge:  8 stitches per inch on #1 needles

Time to finish:  Completely unknown

Wearing your own handmade socks during cold weather:  Priceless

cherry tree hill socks

6 Responses to “Little pink sock”

  1. Shelda Says:

    You could knock an eye out with the brightness of those socks! With the weather we’ve been having, that could be a very good thing . Enjoy your bodacious feet!

  2. Ellen Says:

    Lovely socks! Did you enjoy working with the Cherry Tree Hill?

  3. Diane Says:

    Nothing says spring like a pretty pair of woollen socks!

  4. MonicaPDX Says:

    Beautiful! They make me think of hibiscus in Hawaii or such. And what Ellen said – how’s the Cherry Tree Hill? I’ve got one of their Potluck colors in the sock stash, but it’s sockus interruptus around here the last few months, so ghu knows when I’ll get to trying it. And have you gotten Schurch’s new sock book yet? “More Sensational Knitted Socks”, and how true it is!

  5. Knitting Granny Says:

    Those are bodacious socks! I’ve never tried the eye-of-partridge heel – I always make short-row heels and I’m wondering if I could do that with the eye of partridge stitch. Hmmmm….guess I’ll have to try a little sample. Your socks are wonderful!

  6. Man Says:

    Your pink socks truly glow. You do amazing work. I have always been in awe of your talents.
    The one great thing about this rotten weather is that I can still wear the socks you’ve made for me. I may even continue wearing them into May or June.
    I’m sorry if I haven’t always let you know how much all those socks mean to me, but the love and time you put into making them continues to give me hope for us as I keep wearing them.

    Love, Rob