That’s sick

I got sick this week.  This is as inevitable as the sun coming up–every year when we go back to school, I end up catching a cold in the first few weeks.  It’s because all the snot-nosed urchins darling children bring their germs with them back to school and grade-school children are not known for their stellar personal hygiene.

I’m not severely sick, mind you, but sick enough.  Not sick enough to stay home, but sick enough to feel pretty crappy while at work.  Sick enough to be absolutely beat when I got home from school yesterday afternoon.  I lay down for “a little rest” and ended up sleeping 2 1/2 hours. 

Then, Harvey and I had our tae kwon do testing this morning.  It lasted quite a bit longer than I had expected.  Then we went to Wal-Mart.  I realize that going to Wal-Mart at noon on a Saturday shows a sad lack of defensive planning, but what can I say?  I’m sick and my faculties are not at their highest level.  In any case, 3/4 of the way through our shopping expedition, I started to feel shaky and broke out in a sweat.  Probably a combination of being (you guessed it) sick, not having eaten, expending all my energy free sparring, and having to deal with Wal-Mart at noon on Saturday.  I came home, lay down for another “little rest” and slept 3 hours.  (Why yes, I would like some cheese with my whine.  Thanks for asking.)

All of the above is a long explanation of why this post is late.  See, I’m sick.

I have, however, made some progress on the sherbet socks.  I finished the first one:

sherbet sock 

Here’s a detail of the toe.  I thought about using a different toe shaping, like a star toe or something, but when it came right down to it, I crapped out and used my standard short-row toe as per Priscilla Gibson-Roberts.  I’ve used this heel/toe shaping so much I can do it with one eye closed, and I just didn’t feel I had the energy to conquer a new toe shaping that might have involved math or something.  (Because, well, I’m sick.)

sherbet sock detail

I started casting on for the second sock, but that’s not a very compelling picture. 

My next sock project will be for Rob, because he needs a new pair of socks for his new job, I think.  I know this flies directly in the face of “The Year of Knitting for Me,” but there it is.  A decision made in a moment of sickness weakness.  I collect sock yarn in sedate, male colors for him. (He will wear self-striping yarns, but only if they’re subdued.  By the way, this is a great way to build your stash–“But honey, that yarn is for socks for you!”)  Two candidates for the position of next socks:

sock yarn 

Rob’s leaning toward the grey colorway.  I myself kind of like the sand colorway.

Alex, I’m sorry I missed your birthday!  I hope you had a good day and a good birthday week.  I do have a little something for you, which I’ll try to get in the mail this week.  Happy quarter century to you!

5 Responses to “That’s sick”

  1. lorinda Says:

    Get well soon! The fall germs have hit our house too. No fun, and no one cuts Moms any slack when they get sick, do they? The meals still need to be cooked, the dishes done, etc.

  2. Ellen Says:

    Hope you feel better soon! The socks look great nonetheless.

    I used to get bugs all the time when I worked in a school. Occupational hazard… I feel for you.

  3. Teri P Says:

    I looooove the sherbet sock! (great toe, too)

    Not too long ago I finished a pair in the gray Regia you have; turned out very nice.

  4. Wanda Says:

    Hope you get to feeling better soon. You can’t go wrong with either of the Patch Antik colorways.

  5. Deborah Says:

    Hope you feel better soon. That kind of sick always seems heartless in a way. Yeah, you can function, but you feel every minute of it since you can’t really stay home and rest.

    I love the grey, but the sand attracts me more as well. The sherbert is also very tasty.

    Question on the contest…can you use a stitch from Barbara Walker’s Encyclopedias, or do you need to come up with a stitch/modification of your own?