
Let’s all wish Sarah a quick and full recovery! I’ve heard that encouraging comments, along with frequent doses of echinacea, will have a sufferer back on her feet in no time.

Hope you feel better soon, Sarah!

Out here Chez Mad Dog, Icarus just keeps on keepin’ on:
Obstreperous dog included in photograph for purposes of scale.

I posed him with Shelley because I wanted to prove to you that he is a growing boy. Oh, and because over the weekend, the Knitting Muses whispered to me, “When your Icarus is as long as your mongrel dog, then my child, and only then!, may you bind him off and block him.”

I wanted to see how far I had to go, you see, and it looks like the answer is, “One mutt butt and a mutt head.”

Never say that knitting is not an exact science here Chez Mad Dog! Rigorous measurement protocols ‘r us.
Icarus at the piano: Darlings, I can’t tell you what a consolation music is to me…especially after the gross indignity of being draped over that reeking animal!

In addition to spending some quality time with Icarus, I caught up on my Rolling Stone reading:
Tangled up in pink?

A rewarding experience on the whole, I’d say. I learned once again why Bob Dylan is a genius (because he says so that’s why…), what the soldiers are listening to in Iraq (Tupac Shakur, may he rest in peace), what Pam Anderson and Kid Rock wore at their wedding (not much), and other issues of vital interest and importance.

Arguably the most remarkable article was about a guy named Daniel Pinchbeck, a leader and guru in the “psychedelic community.” You could read it yourself (it’s very well-written and masterfully reported), but I can save you the headache with this concise summary: Pinchbeck spends most of his time tripping on various hallucinogenic drugs and expounding upon his own incoherent, psuedo-philosophical system which includes apocalyptic predictions about the end of the world.

Dude. He is, like, so deep.

But that’s not what really interests me. No. No, no, no, no, no! What’s really interesting is how Pinchbeck reports that in one of his altered states, Quetzalcoatl appeared to him and delivered a message from God.

The message was roughly as follows: You, Pinchbeck, are a prophet and, furthermore, monogamy is an unnatural state for human beings, so in order to save the world, you are going to have to sleep around with various attractive women.

Huh. I’ll be doggoned.

Here’s my question: why is it that when Quetzalcoatl appears to a member of the “psychedelic community” with a message from God, the message is never one of the following?:

(a) You are not a prophet, you are an incorrigible slacker. Over time, God has noticed that you have made a habit of sloth, or, as He Himself would put it, “reaping not the fruits of human industry.” He demands that you improve your personal hygiene, get a job, show up to work on time every day, pay your taxes, go to your children’s school plays even though they have pacing problems, be loyal to your wife, keep your shoes shined, drink only in moderation, and quit smoking.

(b) You are a prophet, but God says that in order to prove your mettle, you have to give up drugs and join the Marines.

(c) God no longer engages in direct communication with so-called “prophets” from the “psychedelic community.” In the past, God found these communications were often unsatisfactory in the extreme and only left Him with a lot of extra work to do in the Retribution and Vengeance Department. In fact, there have been ongoing discussions between God and his top advisors about smiting today’s “prophets” and destroying all their goats and sheep. Recently, however, God has made His home phone number available to celibate, drug-free, vegetarian ultra-marathoners. The choice is yours.

Yeah, Quetzalcoatl never says any of those kinds of things to Mr. I.M. Tripping.

Curious, isn’t it? I mean, I’m just raising the question, is all. For further thought and such.

Funnily enough, my friend Tope and I were visited by Quetzalcoatl this weekend while we were knitting:

He told us that in order to save the world, we will have to spend more time knitting and eating chocolate.

It’s going to be a heavy burden to carry. But someone has to care enough about this crazy world of ours to do it.

10 Responses to “Quetzalcoatl”

  1. Michelle Says:

    its coming along beautifully! ;o)

  2. lorinda Says:

    I think Sarah would recover immediately if everyone sent her roving. Wouldn’t you Sarah?

    And Ellen, have I told you lately that I love you? The voice of sanity in a crazy world. I have to think that Quetzalcoatl has better stuff to do than appear to losers in visions. I’m sure his dance card is fuller than that. His rantings sounds like something from a Simpsons episode, only not clever. I could totally see him showing up to you and Tope, though. He asked me to tell you he forgot to say copious amounts of the coffee bean too, oh, and knitting accessories, buy more knitting accessories.

  3. Ida Says:

    I happily volunteer to help you and Tope carry the burden to help save the world. (Alas, I have no roving to send Sarah, but I am sending lots of positive happy thoughts.)

  4. Diane Says:

    I, too, am willing to help you with your incredible burden…I believe there is a bag of Heath Bar Bites in my immediate vicinity that will help us move towards our goal. Also knitting, socks are good.

    Sarah, a box of Puffs and a very generous hot toddy should help your recovery (or you won’t care)…good either way!

  5. Ellen Says:

    To all volunteers: excellent, excellent!

    My question for you is: what have you done to save the world today?

    Answers may be expressed in stiches, rows, skeins of yarn, or pounds of chocolate.

  6. Alex Says:

    Quetzalcoatl told me that they only way I could save the world was by posting comments on the blog. hmm…

  7. daniel Says:

    the wonders of technorati…

    i would caution you not to believe everything you read in the mainstream media. The Rolling Stone article was full of outright lies and misrepresentations of my ideas. You can find lots of interviews with me on the Internet (pop occulture, neo files, ID magazine) if you care to check out what i really do have to say. Or stop by the bookstore and read a few pgs of the introduction to my new book, 2012. I think you will have a different impression.

    now, back to your knitting…


  8. lorinda Says:

    How can you make fun of someone when he writes such a nice rebuttal? Very disarming.

    I shall proceed apace though at using the Quetzalcoatl comment because I find it highly amusing.

  9. Ellen Says:

    Indeed, Daniel was quite civilized.

    And a man does have a right to defend himself against scurrilous comments and incorrigible wags…

  10. Alex Says:

    …and people who point out that people who claim to have been visited by the Mayan feather-serpent deity while injesting psychoactive chemicals may, in fact, be hard to take seriously.